I just came across your Substack and blog Catherine and love your writing - I'm also new and trying to figure out the whole Substack universe 😂 but looking forward to subscribing and following your work!

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Thank you so much Gemma! It's lovely to have something that feels like it's yet to be "discovered" as it were... and I kinda like that! x

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This resonates with me so much, Catherine. When some of my favorite writers moved to substack, I thought, “why would anyone pay for email?” And then I may have said out loud that I thought it was dumb 🤣 And then I loved something one of my faves wrote so much that I thought, I’d totally send her money to say,”you’re awesome. Keep going!” And then last week it happened. I got the urge to get back to my writing roots. I started before I was ready and here I am, tripping over my big puppy paws as I figure this thing out.

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Seems silly, doesn't it Kelsey, that we can get hung up on charging people for what we write (from my POV as a long-term blogger) when authors and writers have been writing books and articles for money for years?! Glad to hear you're doing the same, good luck 🥰

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Thank you for this! I’m relatively new as well, and you’ve aptly summarized a lot of my own reasons for sub stacking.

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Thanks Patrick - it was a bit of a happy revelation and I'm so glad I'm doing it now! :)

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Oct 18, 2023Liked by Catherine Summers


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Thanks Blurx 😊

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It's definitely a good shift overall, in that Substack structurally encourages longform discussion and the renormalization of paying for quality writing - as beneficial as the promise of democratising culture and increasing access is, it doesn't square with the economic reality that creatives also need to pay rent and eat. Good luck getting your publication up and running!

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I think that that realisation Moxie - how some people really are happy and willing to pay a subscription to read what creatives write - is what spurred me on... I know not everyone can afford it (I certainly can't where others are concerned!), but there's definitely a massive shift in terms of the nature of blogging and writing. Thank you so much for the support! x

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Oct 13, 2023Liked by Catherine Summers

Hi Catherine, I’m glad that you started your Substack. This post is inspiring to me in many ways, and I look forward to reading more of your posts.

The ‘about’ page on your ‘Not Dressed As A Lamb’ website is fantastic. I don’t know a damn thing about fashion, other than my shorts and tennis shoes don’t fit in with the jeans and boots here in Texas. But I really don’t care. I’ve always marched to a different drummer anyway.

I’ll be 60 next week and I’ve been told that I need to put down my scribbled thoughts and observations somewhere, so I’m going to start a blog here. Without reading your beautiful writing, I know that I wouldn’t even be considering it. From the bottom of my heart, thank you.

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That's so kind of you Tom - thank you so much!

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Oct 11, 2023Liked by Catherine Summers

Catherine, I can't tell you how happy I am to see you here, or how loudly I squealed when I started reading and saw you'd mentioned me! Thank you, thank you, thank you for your lovely words! Yours has always been one of the very few "fashion" blogs (Putting that in inverted commas because I know you write about so much more than just fashion) that I read as much for the words as for the outfits, and I think you'll love it here on Substack... can't wait to read more!

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Amber you were the inspiration, I have a lot to thank you for! So glad I’m here, I’ve gone from “hmm no I’m really not sure Substack is for me” to “I’m loving this” in the space of just a couple of weeks.

Thanks for your kind words, oh and I’m looking forward to your cling film review, lol…!! ;) 😂

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Oct 10, 2023Liked by Catherine Summers

Welcome Catherine! I think a lot of new readers will discover your excellent essays on this and that and your great style and wit!

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Liz thank you so much! I'm so pleasantly surprised by the positive response I've been given to doing the Substack thing, it's been quite humbling :D x

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Hi Catherine! This makes me so happy to see. So glad you are here and so looking forward to reading your posts. Welcome!

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Thank you so much Christina, and thank you for the inspiration with that post of yours! The response has been wonderful so far so I'm really excited about the new venture...! x

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