Jun 1Liked by Catherine Summers

Another fun post, Catherine! I used to suffer from sciatica (ALL THE TIME). It sucks big time. The only thing that sorted it out for me was yoga...just 20 minutes every morning (even ten minutes is good), and I rarely suffer now. I loved it so much that I ended up doing a yoga teaching training course when I was 40 (but then realised I wasn't so keen on teaching it!). But I still like to do the free classes on YouTube. My favourites are Yoga with Adrienne, Yoga with Kassandra and Yoga with Bird.


Suzy xx

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It's absolutely awful, isn't it Suzy... honestly I've had moments of literally screaming in pain trying to get downstairs when I've slightly missed a step or something - oh, THE PAIN 😫​😫​😫​

I used to do a lot of yoga and was very supple, but since all my recurring pains started (almost 10 years of it now, hence the physio saying it'll be a long process of getting better as it's so ingrained) I just haven't been able to do it. A few weeks ago I'd started back on the gentle resistance training, but then my back went again and I couldn't even walk so it's one step forward, three steps back atm and I had to stop with the weights again! But as soon as I've had a good period of my back being okay I'm going to get back into the yoga, thank you thank you for reminding me how good it is x

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Jun 5Liked by Catherine Summers

That sucks, Catherine. I'm sorry you're suffering so much!


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May 26Liked by Catherine Summers

I love this post. I have met you a few times and you are always lovely in person. Sorry to hear about your sciatica. xx

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Aww bless you Anna, thank you!! ❤️ The last meet was a while ago now wasn’t it… where has the time gone?!

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May 26Liked by Catherine Summers

I know! I sort-of given up on blogger/influencer meet-up/PR event, but I do miss meeting people you get to know through blogs.

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I love this, Catherine. Great idea 💡

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And can anyone ever say who IS she any other way? 🤣

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Hehe even my husband says it like that Sharon 😂

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Even though I'm a long-time reader, I still enjoyed this about-me post! It made me smile, and, being in the early stages of recovering from leg surgery and feeling a bit sore and sorry for the old self at times, a smile and a laugh was MOST welcome. Thank you for lightening my mood!

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Thanks Lizzie - so sorry you're going through the wars! I'm feeling a bit like that too at the moment with my back pain... I've been barely able to move for the last week or so with searing pain. And I agree, reading something funny is a great moodlifter :D

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Oh no that's dreadful!! Sciatica really is awful... I hope it eases very soon!

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Hope you feel better too my lovely! x muah x

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